OEM Knives and Blades : Are They Really The Best Option?
By admin
Reading time 10 minutes
25 June 2021
Replacement knives, blades and components for your production or processing machinery are a necessary part of running an OEM business.

But what’s your method of replacing them? Call the manufacturer? If that’s your answer, you’re not alone, but did you know that this isn’t always the best method. Why? Buying blades directly from the OEM may not be the most effective investment.

If you want to maximise the performance of the knives, blades and components that you buy, increase their yield and reduce costs without compromising on quality, you may want to look elsewhere.

Industrial knife manufacturers are a great alternative for all types of knives, blades and components for your machinery. There are countless benefits of looking to buy from an industrial knife and blade company rather than directly from the manufacturer.


This guide will cover everything you need to know.

Laser Engraving

OEM Specifications Taken Care Of

Worried that your knife or blades won’t meet the specifications of your machinery?

Think again. When it comes to these products, there really is no room for compromise. Even the slightest deviation from the specification can have a huge impact on production efficiency. Poorly fitting parts that are the wrong specification for the machinery can result in early deterioration of the machine, poor cutting performance and machines working harder than they need to.

Sometimes it can lead to complete malfunction and failure of the equipment. A professional knife manufacturer will make sure that all blades meet very strict standards and reflect the exact specifications of the OEM. The precision design helps your business reduce downtime, eliminate premature wear and tear and minimise costly waste.

Dairy Cheese Production

Establishing a Partnership

When you find the right supplier for industrial knives and blades, you can address all of the problems associated with manufacturing or stocking issues.

They will work with you to identify the right products for your business using their knowledge and understanding of cutting processes. They can evaluate your entire production process and understand where failures are likely to take place.

An industrial knife and blade manufacturer will understand every aspect of your business from start to finish.

They recognise the different processes that occur on a production line, step by step so they can assess where efficiencies can be made, or areas can be optimised. They also use their in-depth knowledge to recognise how you can get more from your production line guiding you to make the best choices in relation to materials, technical enhancements and geometry adjustments.

Packaging Processing

Achieve Significant Cost Savings

Save Costs and Increase Efficiency.

Buying components for your machinery directly from the OEM manufacturer means that the manufacturer will often source their blades from an external supplier and in the process add a markup which drives up costs for you.

When you work directly with a manufacturer, this can achieve significant cost savings over the long term. Buying from an industrial knife and blade specialist can eliminate the markup charged by the middleman, which not only means that you get a great quality product, but it’s a much lower price too.

When you buy blades or knives for cutting applications from an industrial knife specialist, they can help to maximise cost savings for all components and replacement parts, so it’s win, win for everyone.

Industrial Machine Knives Production

Greater Flexibility

The expertise that you will find with an industrial knife manufacturer is second to none.

Their knowledge of metallurgy, engineering and cutting applications cannot be replicated with any other suppliers. A skilled industrial knife provider can build an OEM compatible blade that not only meets, but exceeds OEM specifications and design standards. You have a lot of flexibility and choice when it comes to blades and knives, and you can even buy custom blades that are an exact fit for your machinery.

When you find the right supplier, they will work with you to understand how your business operates and the way that your machinery works. When you have a team with this knowledge, they can help you identify all of the opportunities available to optimise every aspect of your production or processing line to make maximum efficiencies.


Tailored To Meet Your Exact Standards

Quality to Match.

If you have paid extra money for an OEM component expecting premium quality, but you end up receiving something much less than what you expected, you are not alone.

Many businesses like yours have experienced the same problem. That said, when you buy a component from MRMK, you not only have peace of mind that the quality will be there, but the blades will be tailored to meet your exact standards and specifications. In the last decade, the quality of aftermarket components has increased significantly due to the reverse engineering process.

During reverse engineering, the original design will be modified to make it even better, whether this is to fit the machinery more effectively, operate more efficiently or offer greater strength and durability.

Tray Seal Knives Production

Stock Is Never an Issue

Plenty of Stock and Ready to Ship

Stock is never an issue with an industrial knife manufacturer as they can offer a broader selection in terms of materials. Even more so than any OEM can.

Many knives and blades produced by MRMK can manufacture the knife or blade from different materials and sizes to suit your operations. Many of these blade types are in stock and ready to ship which isn’t easy to find when you contact an OEM manufacturer.

When you need a replacement, second best won’t cut it, you need a part that’s the exact fit for your machinery, bought from a specialist supplier who understands every intricacy of production and processing machinery and how they work. That’s the value of working with a specialist industrial knife manufacturer.

MRMK Production Factory Sheffield


If you’re looking for high quality, industrial knives and blades for your manufacturing operation and you wish to work with a dedicated supplier who can meet your exact requirements, contact our team today.



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